As a website development company in Delhi offering end-to-end solutions, finding code errors is a constant pressure. In this blog, we will discuss debugging in Website Development, the common errors you can find, and the different debugging techniques. 

What is Debugging 

Debugging is a part of website development services in Delhi that involves finding existing and potential errors in a coding program. A program is a set of instructions that tells a device what it needs to do when a user takes action. 

There are different types of errors in program coding that can cause your program to act differently or fail to do what it is supposed to do. They are as below:

Logical Errors

When a logical error occurs, the program doesn’t work as it should. However, unlike syntax and runtime errors, the program can still execute with certain discrepancies. An example could be that instead of calculating the sum of numbers, the program calculates the average of the sum. 

A logical error is often a mistake in the website design or code implementation. Regardless of the experience and expertise of the website designing company in Delhi, logical errors in web development are prone to happen. 

Syntax Errors

Each programming language is written according to a set of ‘rules’ or the language structure. Syntax refers to these rules. And a Syntax error refers to a break in the programming language’s ‘rules’ or when the written code doesn’t conform to the Syntax. They may be a typo, incorrect usage of quotation marks, or a missing semicolon. 

Syntax errors make it impossible for programmers to compile or execute code. And therefore, it must be rectified before the code is tested. 

Runtime Errors 

A runtime error is an error that happens when you are trying to execute a program, and it stops unexpectedly due to an unanticipated condition, such as trying to access a null pointer or an array out of bounds. The error doesn’t occur during the compilation or coding phase. And they can be detected only during the program execution phase. 

Different Types of Debugging Offered by IT Company in Delhi 

Debugging is divided into two categories: Proactive and Reactive debugging. 

Proactive Debugging

As the name suggests, proactive debugging is an error identification process that prevents bugs and errors in the program early in website development before they blow out of proportion, rather than identifying and fixing them later.

It is a systematic and continuous approach to website designing and development services. It uses different debugging techniques, such as automated tools, adhering to coding standards, well-documented codes, comprehensive tests, regular program performance and system logs monitoring, and peer and code reviews.

Proactive debugging improves the quality and reliability of web applications, decreases development time and cost, and boosts productivity. 

Reactive Debugging 

In reactive debugging, programmers react to an oncoming error or bug and fix it then and there. This process typically happens after a code is written, compiled, and executed. The errors are detected either by manual testing or after receiving user error reports. 

Common reactive debugging techniques include the error message and log reviewing, watches, breakpoints, and other debugging tools, error replication and testing, error isolation method, and debugging aids. 

While reactive debugging is a crucial element in website development services in Delhi, it is generally stressful and time-consuming, particularly for large and complex applications and websites. 

As a leading IT company in Delhi, our developers use proactive debugging techniques to improve code quality and stability. 

Remote Debugging

Modern-day challenges require modern solutions. As more and more software applications are running in the cloud, remote debugging has become crucial in remote website development.

Remote debugging is finding and correcting errors on software applications running on the cloud, allowing programmers to inspect the running program on a remote system from their local machines. 

Remote debugging is helpful in finding errors in code in a production server, on a different platform or operating system, on a remote device, and in a virtual environment. 

Typically, two debuggers are installed – one on the remote device and one on the local device- to connect remotely and perform debugging. 

As the leading website development company in Delhi, debugging is part of our job. Our team performs it regularly using tools like version control systems, debuggers, browser tools, AI tools, and testing frameworks. 

If you are looking for high-quality, affordable website development services in Delhi, connect with our techies. 

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